We are babysitting my Uncle's cat and dog. The cat is called Scratchy and the dog is called Max.
Scratchy has to stay in my room, because our cats don't get on with him, They are wondering why they can't come in. Henry and Ringo (The Chuckle Brothers) keep sitting outside my door wanting to come in and bag my bed again. lol But now they have now found a new place to sleep on, MY MUM'S BED lol They are all cuddled up together. It won't be long, just a week... or erm two lol
The cats cuddled up together on Mum's bed. lol
The other day I was on the computer. Honey came in and jumed on to this desk and on to the top of the computer monitor. It's a big, old-fashioned, clunky thing...but she loves sitting there to keep warm. lol She always watches the cursor and it's really funny as her head keeps going up down left right; it's so funny, almost like she's studying. then, when she's nice and warm she drops off to sleep, with her head hanging over the screen. She's cute.
I went shopping last week and got some fresh salmon fillets. I like salmon....and so does Tinks! She's the Seafood Girl.. She can smell it a mile off and stakes out the kitchen until she gets a bit. In fact, they all do, apart from the Old Ladies. They like meat! But Tinks loves fish, tuna and prawns the most:o)
A neighbour came round the other day, to bring us some plants. Anyway, Popeye was hiding behind the door and he got out! He went down the side of the house into the back garden, so I whizzed off in hot pursuit before he got into another garden. There he was in our garden, sniffing all the plants and grasses and looking up at me as if to say 'Just smell those plants...can I eat them?' Anyway, he's a bit slow upstairs and I managed to pick him up and get him back indoors. It's a shame that the mogs can't go outside in safety, but at least with the cat run they can get fresh air and feel the elements....and watch the birdies!
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